Cellulite is a skin condition that causes troubles to many people, especially women that would like to look attractive. A lot of researches are done to reveal the actual reasons that trigger accumulation of fat deposits under the skin that cause this lumpy, dimpled and unattractive appearance. This information will help us learn more about the main reasons for cellulite appearance, as well as how to get rid of already formed one.
Usually cellulite occurs after puberty on the buttocks and the thighs. It is known as Adiposis Edematosa in medicine. Both sexes can get cellulite, but usually women have more problems with it.
The Main Causes of Cellulite
Among the other factors that cause this condition, are hormonal factors. Such hormones as noradrenalin, prolactin, estrogen and insulin are believed to play a big role in forming of cellulite.
Genes are another significant factor that is believed to cause cellulite. Genes determine such characteristics as race and gender, slow metabolism, fat distribution and the circulatory insufficiency that are associated with cellulite.
Another direct cause of cellulite is a diet. Obviously, consumption of much salt, fat and carbohydrates without fibers will lead to increase of this problem. A proper diet will be of help with cellulite.
Some more factors that can trigger cellulite can be bad lifestyle habits, like insufficient activities or smoking. People with such kind of lifestyle may need help with cellulite.
Clothing that is not appropriate also may cause cellulite. For example, tight underwear limits the blood circulation in the buttocks and increases the problem.
Cellulite and effective ways to remove it
Many physical therapeutic methods can help people who need help with cellulite. These are:
• Massages that promote lymphatic flow
• Pneumatic massages
• Radio frequency therapy
• Ultrasound
• Magnetic therapy
• Heat therapy
• Endermologie
• Radial waves therapy
• Electrical stimulation
• Endermologie
However, the experts still not officially proved the above methods.
Additionally, there are some pharmaceutical ways that can help in cellulite removing. These are:
• Ginkgo biloba, • Indian chestnut, • Pentoxifylline, • Amino acids, • Caffeine and theobromine, • Alpha antagonists, • Beta agonists
Find below a few more effective cellulite removal methods that can help you avoid expensive surgery or creams:
Espresso granules that are applied on the place with cellulite and reduce it.
It is recommended to change your daily menu too and replace all unhealthy meals with healthy ones that do not contain much sugar, salt or fat.
Among other healthy foods that should be included in your diet, are broccoli, kale, grapes and cherries, which are very beneficial due to the nutritious elements they contain.
Tuna, herring and salmon should be often consumed too, as they improve blood circulation and overall health. Make sure to consume also food rich in fiber content.
Even the slimmest looking people may require help with cellulite. There is no product that can guarantee permanent anti cellulite results and the problem may appear again. The surgery is not a good option, as it doesn't heal the cause. Many people consider that the most effective way to find help with cellulite is to eat healthy foods and do more exercises.