Gynecomastia, the common disease that causes unwanted breast enlargements in men, also known as man boobs, can become quite devastating for a man's self esteem. When engaging in activities such as swimming, when you normally don't wear a shirt, it can be embarrassing to be bare breasted infront of your family, friends, and other people. No man wants to be seen with a pair of man boobs and so learning how to get rid of man boobs has become the talk of the century for most men.
Men have come to the conclusion that gynecomastia surgery is the only real cure for man boobs and this is far from the truth! Not so long ago, scientists had been trying to find ways on how to get rid of man boobs without having to go through the painful and costly cosmetic surgery process. Since obesity has been linked with a possible cause of gynecomastia, scientists believe that proper diet and exercise can help get rid of man boobs. In fact, scientific studies have shown that certain cardiovascular exercises can help induce male breast reduction because you will be burning off a lot of body fat. Below I have listed 3 easy and practical exercises to get rid of man boobs that you can try anywhere.
Exercises for Gynecomastia I:
The first exercise on how to get rid of man boobs is the 40 yard sprint. It's a really simple cardiovascular exercise in which you can perform outdoors as long as you have about 40 straight yards to run through.
The best part of this man boob burning exercise is that it'll only take you about 10 minutes max.
Just sprint as fast as you can till you reach the end of the 40 yards and stop. Take a breather for about 30 to 45 seconds, then sprint right back to the beginning. Repeat this about 10 times and you will be toasted but the fat calories that you will have burned off will be worth it.
Exercises for Gynecomastia II:
The second exercise on how to get rid of man boobs is the stair sprints. For this one, you have to find a set of stairs that goes up 1 flight. Start at the bottom and sprint up as fast as you can. Then just simply walk all the way down slowly while catching your breath. Then sprint right back up. Rinse and repeat for 10 sets.
Exercises for Gynecomastia III:
The third exercise on how to get rid of man boobs can be done on a stationary bike. Just cycle at a normal rate for about 1 minute, then sprint for 1 minute. Continue alternating every minute from a normal pace to a full sprint for no more than 15 minutes and that's it.
These 3 exercises will blast your metabolism into high gear, burning off even more calories throughout the day AFTER you have done them. Just make sure to perform one of these 3 exercises everyday in the morning before breakfast and after a couple of weeks you will notice your man boobs getting smaller. The reason for this is because the more fat calories you burn, the more your total body fat percentage drops...and the more body fat you lose, the more your man boobs will disappear.
Did you know that atleast 40% of men suffer from gynecomastia and enlarged breasts?
Most of them end up spending thousands of dollars on unsuccessful high risk gynecomastia surgeries.
Do not be part of that equation. There are other ways around getting rid of man boobs.
Find out
James Halbert is a gynecomastia survivor who has dedicated his studies to finding alternative solutions for losing man boobs. To learn more about how to get rid of man boobs, visit Halbert's personal website which covers some natural cures for gynecomastia: