Spot Training Your Trouble Spots - Does It Really Work_

Spot Training Your Trouble Spots - Does It Really Work?

Most regular news sources will tell you spot reduction is just a myth. But you still want to know if it's a hoax or not.

"Does spot-toning or spot-reduction really work?"

Most personal trainers and fat-loss coaches will swear that spot training doesn't work. And the commonly avoided truth is... "Yes, it does." - however, only if you're on the right kind of exercise routine that is designed to hone in on your stubborn trouble zones and problem spots.

Ladies of all ages and body types always want to know... Will spot training work for me - or is it an old time fitness myth?" Despite all the arguments against it.

Let's first clarify the definition. You'll hear words such as spot-toning, spot-reduction, spot-targeting, but they're all pretty much talking about the same thing.

And that's 'doing certain exercises for a specific part, or parts, of the body to get a direct improvement in that area of the body' - usually its the butt - the thighs - or the tummy, but not always, of course.

Lets take 'spot reduction'. A typical woman does a couple of exercises for her legs, butt, thighs or abs - while she's doing the exercises, she feels 'the burn' - a common sensation in the specific area she is working - this warm burn is not the 'fat, cellulite and flab burning off', of course... - it's just the normal way the muscle responds to certain exercise programs.

It's perfectly normal and to be expected...

Now this burn might not happen all the time - this will depend on the 'fitness' level of the person - whether or not they've done these specific exercises - in this specific order - at this specific tempo, form etc, etc - in the past.

So this 'burn' is not the burning of fat, flab, or cellulite, but if these exercises have been strategically combined and are done according to a simple plan (what's called an 'exercise prescription') - then there is surely and unquestionably going to be an amount of fat - flab and/ore cellulite "burned" as fuel for energy during the workout

And - of course- afterward, as the program itself boosts the woman's metabolism - and keeps it cruising along - for several hours after she has completed her properly structured and yes, spot targeted - no, make that laser-beam targeted, spot training exercise routine.

When women are dying to know... "Does spot training really work on my most stubborn problem areas and nasty trouble spots?"

The basic answer is "Yes, it works - but only if you are doing a workout program that is put together properly - in other words if you are following a program that is focused on your lower body problem areas and trouble spots - and the program has been designed to get the desired results - then YES - spot targeting works..."

Keep in mind - you can, and may have already, tried certain exercise programs that 'claim' to target specific parts of your body - BUT you were only let-down after several months on the program to find that it didn't live up to it's promises and hype.

And this is where the "Myth of Spot-Targeting" gets it's bad reputation and tagged as a hoax or a scam.

If a program claims and promises to get your problem areas into tight and slim shape, but ultimately fails to deliver the desired and expected results then that program is another major strike against the concept of 'spot targeting', by FALSELY proving it doesn't work and is just a myth - and yeah - even a scam in that instance.

This is the bottom line on the spot-reduction subject:

The real truth is spot toning or reduction works and it works like the dickens - even better than the most expensive plastic surgery procedures for a lady's nastiest problem areas and depressing trouble spots.