The Definitive Guide To Cellulite Reduction

The Definitive Guide To Cellulite Reduction

It's a completely natural phenomenon but the appearance of cellulite stills can scare even the bravest of women. For a lot of women, cellulite is a their worst nightmare because of how difficult it is to cover up and treat. Originally, the term “cellulite” was invented by Vogue magazine in the 1960s and since then it has been used by skin care companies to drive a whole new market in beauty products – from the creams and lotions to the more bizarre anti cellulite underwear and shoes.

The fact that there are so many different treatments for cellulite just goes to show how difficult it is to treat. In fact, not one treatment will work for all women. Depending on your skin type and severity of the problem, you may need to investigate and try a number of different options until you settle on a method that actually works for you.

In essence, cellulite is fat gone wrong. Under the skin, a combination of built up fluids, toxins and fat bulge out from their pockets and press up against the skin above. Dimples and lumps appear on the outer surface of the skin due to the hardened fat clumps beneath. The actual treatments for cellulite are designed to target these fat cells and can include electrical muscle stimulation, vibrating massage, hormone injections and heating pads. Depending on the treatment, to successfully treat cellulite can set you back hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars.

Here are the top cellulite treatments for 2010:

Acoustic Wave Therapy: acoustic waves are applied to the external skin with the aim of breaking up the fat deposits under the skin. The technology is the same used to treat kidney stones. The method is only a recent development but has been gaining a reputation for excellent results.

Cellulite Removal Surgery: a small hollow tube is inserted underneath the skin and a cutting instrument attached to the end of the tube is used to cut the connective tissue that is the root cause of cellulite. Results are often permanent. However, it is the most invasive cellulite treatment and is not that widely available at the current time.

Endermologie: a vibrating machine is moved over the surface of the skin and is used to increase circulation, break up fat and smooth out the lumpy skin. Endermologie is one of the most popular anti cellulite treatments but results aren't permanent and you will need to continue the sessions indefinitely to keep the cellulite away.