Liposuction treatment is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries performed nowadays. With the specialized equipment and techniques now available, patients can now have just about any body part treated with liposuction, with the most common areas being as follows.
Both men and women often seek liposuction treatment to help flatten their stomachs. This is a common area of the body for storing fat. Pregnancy, age, and fluctuations in weight can also increase fat stores in the region. For many people, lipo helps to eliminate their love handles, muffin tops, and pot bellies. Although liposuction is not a replacement for weight loss, it's a great way to eliminate stubborn areas of fat.
Anterior Thighs
Another common area of the body that stores fat is the anterior thighs (front of thighs). For patients unable to contour and reduce the fat in this area of their body, liposuction treatment can be a great alternative or addition to regular diet and exercise. Women tend to seek treatment for this area of the body more often than men.
Outer Thighs
Another popular area of liposuction treatment, especially among women, are the outer thighs. Many women carry excess fat around the upper portion of the outer thighs. This can create the appearance of what many women refer to as "saddlebags." When undergoing lipo of this area, surgeons often perform the procedure in two areas: the lower buttocks and the upper segment of the back of the thigh. This method helps achieve a better end result, which are slimmer, firmer hips.
Inner Thighs
Women often look to have their inner thighs treated with liposuction. It is a common procedure to be carried out when other portions of the legs are undergoing liposuction treatment. Considering that the inner thighs heal faster than other parts of the body, this makes the overall healing process easier.
Buttocks Area
Both men and women can store excess fat in the buttocks region. Liposuction treatment of this area can help remove fat from this area and create a more contoured appearance.
Legs / Ankles
Those people who have what many people refer to as "cankles" can also undergo liposuction treatment to achieve a more slender appearance of the lower portion of the legs. The back of the knees are about the only area of the legs that surgeons prefer not to treat with lipo. This is because of the risk of damaging vital nerves and blood vessels located in this region.
The upper arms are another common area of treatment, especially among women. With age, women tend to store more fat in the upper arms. This can create a flabby appearance. Liposuction treatment of this area can help provide a more youthful and slender appearance.
Face and Neck
The face and neck, including the chin, jowls, and cheeks, are becoming more commonly requested areas of treatment. New equipment and techniques make undergoing liposuction treatment of areas of the face a lot easier than past methods. Lipo of these areas can help eliminate chubby cheeks, double chins, and droopy jowls.
Male Breasts
Some men suffer from what is known as gynecomastia. This is a condition that causes men to store excess fat in their chests. This can cause the appearance of enlarged breasts in men. Often the only option for eliminating the fat stores in this area is liposuction treatment. This is an effective procedure for flattening and removing fat from the chest.
For both men and women, the demand for liposuction is becoming more and more popular every day, and its popularity is expected to strengthen into the future.