Aminophylline is a prescription drug, means it is not available over the counter at pharmacies. One needs a doctor's prescription for purchasing aminophylline. It is used to treat disorders like breathing difficulty, caused due to asthma, chronic bronchitis. Aminophylline is available in gel form, liquid form and also as a suppository. This drug opens up the lung passageway. It relaxes the muscles of lungs and chest to allow air, to breathe. Aminophylline is also used as a topical cream to reduce cellulite. These topical creams containing aminophylline does not require a prescription from a physician. One drug serving two different purposes is very surprising and requires a detailed study.
Aminophylline in cream form:
Aminophylline cream is a very light form of aminophylline in a cream form, which can be applied on to the surface of the skin. These creams are available over the counter, without any prescriptions. It is also called as a lump reducing cream. These creams are used to reduce fat and cellulite around the thigh region. The FDA has still not given its approval for its usage. Aminophylline creams penetrate deep into the skin by attracting fat cells and dehydrating them and finally dissolving the cells from the body. Generally the cellulite are more prominent around the thighs especially for women, these fat cells are also very stubborn and hard to get rid off from the body. Even men can use them as cutting gel on their stomach. Getting rid of this stubborn cellulite may take ages.
So how does aminophylline cream work, in reducing body fat?
Aminophylline creams are supposed to be applied topically on the skin to dehydrate the fat cells. It gets absorbed in the skin cells where it dehydrates and dissolves the fat cells. It helps in eliminating water in the skin, and the cellulite affected areas become firm and smooth, and thereby reducing the appearance of cellulite. The cream actually helps in loosing water from the skin, and not actually the fat. Some experts claim that the cellulite actually moves from the applied area to another area of the body where it is less visible. Aminophylline creams are to be used for a long time for desired effects. Once, discontinued the water gets reabsorbed into the cellulite affected area of the body. This also proves that results with aminophylline creams for treating cellulite are temporary. It is more like a handy and fast tool to get results. Aminophylline is very diuretic. It is the only cream that penetrates deeply into the skin, and also helps in drying out the fat cells and finally eliminating them from the body. They are also called a "thigh cream" or as "cutting gel". Aminophylline creams have to be stored in its original container and should be used quickly once opened.
Every medication or treatments do have some side effects. Aminophylline does have some side effects. They vary from anxiety, heart palpitations, mood change, restlessness, frequent urination, headache and dizziness. Seek doctor's help immediately if the side effects become very severe.
Eating healthy diet and regular exercises will not only improve the metabolism of the body but, also plays a very crucial role in reducing weight and fat around them. Make sure to drink a lot of water daily to stay hydrated and to remove toxins from the body and have a glowing skin.