Cellulite is caused due to the swelling of sub dermal fat cells which push around the connective tissues that hold the cells together. The less fat you have, the less noticeable cellulite is. Markets are crammed with expensive creams, lotions, and injections; but these products are not the right choice to get rid of cellulite. The medical profession is also taking full advantage of the people's disliking for the cellulite development by offering different types of surgeries. In fact, diet and exercise can help the most in reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Who Gets Cellulite and Where It Manifests
It's not only overweight people who get cellulite: Naturally thin women can also suffer from this problem. Mostly it manifests on the thighs and buttocks, but some people get it under their arms or on their belly. Sometimes the cellulite is visible only when the skin is pinched between the fingers, or when jogging or walking. The problem increases as one ages, thought to be due in part to the reduction of collagen and elastin that comes about as a side-effect of aging (which also explains why wrinkles develop as we get older). Indeed, according to some statistics, cellulite is a problem that affects 90% of women over the age of 30.
Eat Right
Changing your diet will help you loose weight and get rid of cellulite, but you will get the best results when you pair the diet with a daily exercise program. You will want to focus on the areas where the pockets of cellulite are the worse, normally the thighs and buttocks.
Making some really simple adjustments to your daily routine will make a huge difference in your war against cellulite. Instead of taking the elevator, make yourself walk up the steps, walk to the mail instead of driving, go for a swim instead of just laying on the beach. All of these activities will help you get rid of cellulite, especially when you pair the changes with a regimented daily workout routine.
Massage it away
Massage is an excellent way to help the unsightly cellulite disappear. Massaging the area helps improve the circulation to the area, which increases the elasticity of your skin and fills in the dimpled areas.
Some holistic healers have noticed that aromatherapy triggers a reduction in cellulite. The aromatherapy works even better when it is combined with a yoga routine. The aromas that have the greatest effect on cellulite are sage, juniper, and cypress.
Seaweed and Coffee
Body wraps are an excellent way to reduce your cellulite. After taking a warm shower or relaxing bath you should wrap your entire body in a wrap that is made out of coffee and seaweed. All you have to do is rub moist coffee grounds on the pocket of cellulite. Cover the coffee grounds with seaweed leaves and than use plastic wrap to hold the poultice in place.
Quick Fix
Control top pantyhose are the best way to reduce cellulite when you are in a hurry. The pantyhose flatten your pockets of cellulite, giving your body a slim, streamlined look.