Cellulite, some of the most difficult to extinguish and unattractive body fat, is typically seen in older women. Most women who are forced to deal with cellulite daily end up turning to extreme measures like liposuction and other surgeries to remove the unattractive fat from their bodies. But, many of them do not know that there are natural ways to remove, prevent and treat cellulite build ups in your body. Allow me to be your own personal how to cellulite fat loss tour guide.
How to, Cellulite Misconceptions
Most people think that cellulite formation only occurs in women that are elderly or obese. This is simply not true as experts believe cellulite forms as a result of certain genetic factors, diet, excessive stress, and the presence of certain hormones like estrogen and high insulin levels. It is not uncommon nowadays to see women, and some men, with cellulite in their low to mid 20s.
How to, Cellulite Prevention Through Proper Diet
Proper diet is essential to preventing cellulite and helps to make existing cellulite less noticeable
Avoid high fat foods as fat is very difficult for your body to break down in digestion
Avoid foods that are high in additives such as junk food, extra toxins your body does not need
Drink plenty of water, it will help remove cellulite toxins from your body
Cut back on coffee, alcohol and tobacco intake as these things restrict blood flow, keeping toxins in the body
How to, Cellulite Prevention through Exercise
While cellulite cells are much more difficult to get rid of than normal fat cells, frequent exercise can help with the appearance of cellulite on the skin. Looking to tighten inner thighs and butt through exercise can also help as it makes it more difficult for the cellulite to form.
Tighten inner thighs by running after performing 3 sets each of squats, lunges,leg lifts, and side leg lifts (if possible do these exercise with weights to increase their effectiveness)
How to, Cellulite Treatment Creams
Cellulite treatment creams are topical creams that are designed to help remove cellulite with the help of special herbal extracts, antioxidants and vitamins. They usually take a little while to work though, sometimes as long as 2 months to see any noticeable results.
How to Cellulite and Skin Care
Be sure to thoroughly cleanse skin affected by cellulite on a daily basis. Try to use a loofah, washcloth or sponge to massage the skin while cleansing. Again, massaging the affected areas promotes blood circulation and will help remove toxins from the tissues affected by cellulite.
How to Cellulite Prevention Through Stress Reduction
As I mentioned earlier, excessive stress is a major factor in cellulite formation because of the hormones that your body produces when you become stressed. Yoga and Pilate's classes are great for reducing stress and as such should be on your list of things to look into when thinking about cellulite reduction. Also, massage therapies can be very effective for stress relief but more on that in the how to cellulite massage section below.
How to Cellulite Lymphatic Massage
Deep massage therapy applied to the areas that are worst affected by cellulite can help to break up the cellulite fat cells and make them easier to remove. this is because deep tissue massage promotes an increase in blood flow in addition to lymphatic drainage. These two things working in unison provide you with an effective how to cellulite burning one-two punch.
You do not need to resort to surgery as your only option to get rid of that stubborn cellulite! I hope you find success using your personal how to cellulite prevention/how to cellulite reduction guide.