The popularity of home remedies has been with us for centuries. Natural is becoming more and more popular and alot of people are on the look out to take advantage of the many home remedies that are out there, and not just for treating cellulite.
How do you go about finding home remedies for cellulite that will work for you?
Deaing with cellulite is frustrating, but trying to remove it can become expensive, which is why some of us search for home cellulite treatments. The good news is there are simple cellulite home treatments that can help reduce the appearance of this skin condition, without anyone having to take drastic measures, such as surgery.
If you only had to do two things for treating cellulite at home, what do you think they would be? The first one is to shrink fat cells. Second, strengthen the skin and increase the regeneration of stretched collagen, which has happened due to over-sized fat cells. A good skin care routine and proper diet is essential if you are to be successful in controlling the appearance of cellulite.
Using Massagers for Cellulite Reduction
Other home cellulite treatments include using a massager
Anti cellulite massagers are great as a home remedy for cellulite, and their inexpensive too. . . and . . you can do it when it's convenient for you.
The reason massagers for cellulite work is because of what is happening just under the skin. Because we can't physically see what is happening, some people choose not to use a massager for their cellulite, because they are looking for instant results. What is happening is an increase in the blood flow, circulation, and the lymphatic drainage.
Chamomile for Cellulite
Sometimes spelled as Camomile
Chamomile is an effective treating cellulite. It is a plant that has numerous medicinal qualities; it helps remove toxins from the skin.
Many clients have commented that their skin was smoother and softer after just 1 treatment. In some cases, it almost seemed that the cellulite disappeared!
In order to get this effect, you can mix 40 grams of chamomile flowers in four spoon of alcohol for about 7 hours. Then split the mix apart. One part must be placed in a dark colored bottle, and the other one is mixed with 100 milliliters of olive oil. The mixture boils for 21/2 hours, and is filtered by pressing it and depositing it in a dark colored bottle.
For maximum benefit, the areas where you have cellulite must be massaged nightly with a mixture of chamomile oil and tincture (20 milliliters of tincture per 60 milliliters of chamomile oil). Make sure you continue to knead the area for 15 minutes.
Other Natural cellulite remedies
Did you know that some of the best home remedies for cellulite can be found in your kitchen?
Apple cider vinegar is one of the easiest solutions you can use at home. Many people have reportedly had success with it. This solution can be utilized orally as well as a skin scrub.
If you choose to drink it, just mix 2 tablespoons with a medium sized glass of water, and add a dash of honey.
For a body scrub, mix 3 parts of the apple cider vinegar with a cocoa butter oil or massage oil, then apply it one or twice a day to the area where you have cellulite. This is also great if you suffer from hay fever.