80% of the women have cellulite.
So, there most certainly must be a reason why it exists. But a bigger question on the minds of so many women might be: How can I get rid of cellulite?
They do not only think about it, they often scream it out : Help me get rid of my cellulite now!
As a result of so many people suffering from cellulite the cosmetic industry has developed numerous products, such as creams, lotions and who knows what else…
It is a fact that because the demand for cellulite treatments is huge that the cosmetic industry delivers even more of those products. But problem is that those products are often very expensive and not everyone has the funds to buy a treatment.
It does not really have to be expensive.
There are home made remedies to treat cellulite and they will only cost a fraction of what you would pay for the cosmetic brands. What it will cost you in a manner of speaking is a ‘cup of coffee' a day. But this time it is meant literally.
Cellulite can be treated with coffee grind.
So, what is that remedy to help you get rid of cellulite? All you need is a cheap hand lotion and caffeinated coffee. You have to grind the coffee into dust and mix the coffee grind with the hand lotion. As a result you will have a cream. Rub it into you cellulite areas and leave it for a minute. Rinse it off in the shower. Do this everyday and you will see those areas get smoother and firmer. It is very important that you do not use decaffeinated coffee because it is the caffeine that reduces the cellulite.
Of course you can buy creams that contain coffee extract, but fact is that the remedy described above is as effective if not better, but most important much less expensive. So, for a cup of coffee a day you can literally get rid of your cellulite.