If you happen to be one of the many women (and men) that have gained a couple of extra pounds in response to the recent holiday festivities, don't feel lonely. But the saddest part is that, if you are already overweight, then this gain of extra pounds is likely to cause the cellulite problem to become more noticeable. Nonetheless, there exists a few proven methods of reducing the ugly dimpled appearance of your skin. There are various methods to eliminate the cellulite problem and among them physical exercises are found to be extremely effective. In just four short weeks, you can actually notice visible improvement by following a predesigned exercise program that targets your cellulite problem areas; for example your thighs, belly and buttocks.
Physical exercise workout routine is not enjoyed by many people, which is regrettable, because it is such a great way to support good health, increase your energy and get rid of those unattractive dimples and bumps. No matter what your activity and fitness levels are, there are many muscle strengthening, toning and cardiovascular exercises which could be customized for you because you endeavor to quickly eliminate your unsightly cellulite. Here's why:
1. In general, strength training and stretching workouts are effective as cellulite exercises as they strengthen, tone and increase your muscles, which has a smoothing effect that can camouflage dimpled appearance of cellulite. This includes moderate weightlifting, resistance training and yoga, among others. Aerobic exercises, like hiking, biking, swimming and jogging, reduce cellulite by shrinking the fat cells as you burn off pounds.
2. Physical regimens that effectively target most cellulite problem areas consist of step workouts, knee and leg lifts, chair-hip lifts, inner thigh movements, and bend over exercises. Cellulite on the arms may be attacked successfully with weightlifting, which is done together with movements such as tricep lifts, extensions and kickbacks and also bench dips. Aerobic workout routines are comprised of swimming, jogging,hiking, biking, step dance routines, and even any other type of sport activity that makes you run around such as tennis or football. The most basic cardiovascular cellulite reduction activity is walking. The effectiveness of walking routines could be maximized to nearly 3 times with the application of interval training techniques.; that will be further explained later on in this article.
3. Cellulite exercises for the butt area work the largest muscle groups in the human body. The buttocks, also known as the gluteal area, are typically characterized by large deposits of adipose fat - aka cellulite fat. Therefore it makes sense to target gluteal muscles in the war against cellulite, as these will burn the most fat and affect the most visible results. The gluteal muscles are also responsible for helping other muscle groups in the hips and outer thighs to function properly. So targeting the gluteal muscles during the exercise program will be very helpful in reducing cellulite from the hips and thighs. One of the best exercises targeting these areas is the gluteal lift. Lie down on the floor facing the ceiling with one leg flat on the floor, bend the other leg making sure that your heel is resting on the ground but your toes are pointing up. While pushing the heel over the ground, raise your hips and straight leg off the ground. Hold and come back to the original position. This needs to be done for up to 15- 20 repetitions, then switch sides. After a couple of days, you might find this exercises relatively easy to perform, so you can add another set of 15-20 repetitions to make it more challenging. Do every other day for two weeks to realize visible tightening, lifting and toning of the buttocks.
4. Simple physical exercises tools such as rubber stretch bands and light dumbbells can enable you to target upper arm cellulite more effectively, and could be obtained at your nearby sporting goods dealer. Use a dumbbell heavy enough challenge you but not so heavy that you can't execute the movement properly. Start with 4-5 lbs. If that is not challenging enough you could always increase the weight. To prevent any injury, you can ask your friend to help you out at initial stages. With the dumbbells held with an overhand grip, lie down over a bench with your face towards the ceiling. The dumbbells should be held at a 90 degree angle to the floor, making sure that your elbows are straight. Lower the dumbbell toward your head by bending your arms. As the weight comes closer to your head, move your elbows out of the way to enable the weight to go further down below the height of your head. Return to the starting position slowly to complete one rep. Carry out two sets of 12 to 15 reps, every other day.
5. With the right exercises, you possibly can reduce abdominal cellulite and develop a flat firm stomach, just like you've always dreamed of. Interval walking is one of the most effective ways to reduce stomach cellulite, shed pounds and tone the abdomen. You don't have to be very athletic to get started with the walking program for cellulite removal, in fact any person who intends to start with a regular exercises program should start with walking. But, because of the overload principle of exercise science, in order to get sustained improvement in exercise goals, it is necessary to continually raise the amount of physical stress. So even though in the beginning, you acquire noticeable results from a moderate pace, after a few days, the benefits from walking seem to level off, unless you continually increase the stress which walking can produce on your muscle tissues. Your main intention is to burn off the extra calories continuously. To sustain your body in that calorie burning mode and to enhance the effects of the walking exercises further, you need to alternate rapid spurts of walking with moderate and easy bouts. Walk off weight programs may also give consideration to the duration of the workout time. These programs could produce visible results in as little as four weeks, and dramatic results after a couple of months of interval training for a minimum of 45 minutes a day 5 to 6 days per week.
If you're willing to put in the effort to achieve your cellulite reduction goals, the physical exercises workouts described in this article can help you realize success while enhancing your overall healthiness as well as improving your stamina. But, these techniques will not be effective if you don't practice them persistently. Don't fall back on the sedentary lifestyle that caused the cellulite formation in your body in the first place. If you do, the cellulite problem may return back, so stick to a maintenance plan which will maintain your smooth new figure indefinitely!