Beam Of Light To Burn Out Cellulite

Beam Of Light To Burn Out Cellulite

Now the term laser reducing cellulite might sound a bit like a science fiction movie and scary. Don't worry however because this is a safe and tested procedure. Fat cells are nothing more than mere Cellulite that has accumulated under a layer of skin making your skin look loose the most common areas this happens in are the thighs, hips, buttocks etc.
The job of the laser beam is to remove this layer of fat so that it tightens the skin and makes it look well tucked. There are many natural ways of getting rid of fat it includes massages, anti oxidant food, lots of exercise however these are not long term solutions and so you need to use a more permanent solution.

Surgical procedures are the most modern ways of getting rid of fat. The truth about fat is that once it develops its really hard to completely remove it using natural methods so an artificial method should be sought as a permanent solution.

When you think about taking on surgical procedures there are many options you are faced with i.e. liposuction, laser treatment etc that are used to reduce cellulite, lymphatic drainage massage, jet therapy, patch contour etc are performed under anesthesia. The most surgical out of these is Liposuction and is performed under anesthesia.

The doctors open up the body and the skin in particular to take out the layer of cellulite during this procedure. Procedures such as patch contour, and lymphatic drainage are also too surgical in nature and has a certain amount of danger associated with them. You also need to have lots of money to go under the knife as well as face an unsafe stigma.

These procedures guarantee that cellulite will be removed from your body but they don't guarantee that your body will say cellulite free. This technology also does not come cheap so you need lots of money for the procedure.

Coming back to laser that is used to reduce cellulite, this is actually a concentrated beam of light that is passed right though the cellulite lining. This begins to mobilize the cells and helps them melt faster by quick follow-ups of hot pads and cold pads over the affected area.

This laser is a strong beam of light that is strong enough to cut right through the layers of fat in your body. This is one reason why melting the layer of fat under your skin is not a very difficult job for the laser. The flip side of this technology is however that some doctors are not concerned with the long term affects that this laser therapy has on a person's body.

In order to clear this doubt there has been a theory devised that proposes and talks about the amount of radiation and the magnitude of the radiation that a human body can bear though its lifetime primarily from exposure to the sun. Even apart from this argument, laser therapy to reduce cellulite has been tested on various patients and the long term results are in practicality harmless.

Thus, the bottom line is that although natural ways of cellulite reduction are obviously preferred but use of laser to reduce cellulite too is not to be ignored.