Special workouts that are laser focused on removing cellulite have been proven to give spectacular lasting results.
Cellulite looks horrible, and it affects you in more ways than one. Everytime you pass by a mirror you are reminded of your dimples, and ripples.
After having my third child, cellulite started to run rampant down my back side. I had dimples and craters on my buttocks, and rippled cellulite down the backs of my legs.
I hated the way my legs looked in shorts, so I stopped wearing them and anything else that showed my legs off for that matter.
My self confidence was fading, and I could feel my body slowly becoming a prisoner of cellulite.
Cellulite was controlling the clothes that I could wear, the places I could go, and the way I felt about myself.
Creams, herbs, massage machines, cellulite brushes, loofah sponges, anti cellulite shoes, and clothing.. you name it I bet I have tried it!
None of these so called cures helped to remove any of my cellulite. I was getting depressed, and more desperate after each let down.
There had to be a solution out there, and I was determined to find it! That's when the researcher in me took over.
I was reading everything I could about cellulite, that's when I stumbled upon a personal trainers site.
Some of the things I learned on his site were very valuable nuggets of information, like for instance... did you know that we have over 90 muscles just between our waist and ankles?
If these muscles are not properly stimulated, they will become mushy and flabby. Having untoned muscles is the invite for cellulite.
The physiological term is known as muscular atrophy, and this is the true cause of your cellulite dimples, and ripples.
Here's the real question, Is it possible to reverse muscular atrophy? Absolutely, and by doing this you will also remove cellulite.
The idea here is to get your muscles toned so that they press out against your skin creating a nice tight, smooth texture.
This will eliminate that dredded orange peel look that we ladies hate to see.
Exercise is the only guaranteed way to reverse this process. Ordinary exercise isn't going to work, you will need to follow a workout that is laser focused on removing cellulite.
You want to folllow a routine that is made for muscle toning, with the right mix of cardio.
Never use any weights, or exercise equipment of any kind this will only make your problems worse.
I am cellulite free now, and I owe it all to my personal trainer, Joey Atlas. Without his program I would still be looking for that magical cure for cellulite.
After discovering the truth about cellulite from Joey, I put his exercise plan into effect immediately.
I really expected it to be much harder than it was. I could follow the moves easily, and I could actually feel it working.
By week two I was actually seeing real results, without using painful weights, dangerous machines or any useless gadgets -- and NO changes in my diet, at all...
Once week four rollled around I was cellulite free, and it feels amazing to wear the clothes I want!
My skin is tighter, and firmer now at 40 then it was when I was 25. I feel great, and my self esteem is soaring again. It's nice to know you still turn heads at my age.