For more shapely legs and hips, thigh toning exercises that work do not have to be boring. There are many activities women can do to target the problem areas and increase overall fitness at the same time. Most of the movements are not difficult for most women and can be done from the comfort of home if desired.
The first recommendation is to combine the lower body workout with a cardio activity like cycling, rollerblading, or stair climbing. Regardless of which activity is chosen it should be done for a few minutes at an intense pace followed by periods of targeted toning. This activity should be done five days a week.
The next suggestion is a yoga movement known as sun salutation. The movement begins by lying face down on the floor and slowly rolling the upper body upwards. Eventually the individual pulls one knee up then slowly rises to a standing position. The arms are then raised straight upward and a slightly curved position of the body creates a gentle pull on the hamstrings. The entire process reverses until the person is back to lying face down on the floor.
Another excellent movement is the flamingo. It begins by standing on one leg with the other stretched out behind the body. The person then touches the floor while remaining on one foot. This movement can be repeated on the same leg a few times before repeating with the alternate leg.
Scissor kicks are thigh toning exercises that work both the inner and outer muscles at the same time. These movements are performed while lying on the floor or a mat facing upward. The legs are raised about six inches off the floor while crossing one over the other and repeating with the opposite leg.
The lying abduction movement is a simple but effective movement that has been around for a long time. If done correctly the movement can be felt in the outer hip area. Those who want to work the inner thigh can try bending the knee of the leg on top and lifting the bottom leg. The movement is small. Even lifting the leg a few inches off the ground will create a tension that can be felt.
Leg circles work all the muscles of the upper leg. They can be done until the leg begins to feel fatigued. Squats, side lunges, and forward lunges are also effective. To keep from becoming bored the movements can be alternated. Add some music for a simple but effective overall workout that includes thigh toning exercises that target the upper parts of the legs.