The days are longer, the weather warmer… everything is fine, to a point: the cellulite is making us hating ourselves. Here is how you get rid of the enemy of your thighs!
The fastest and easiest way to diminish your cellulite is to get a tan. You minimize the orange peel look, and your legs will appear longer and thinner. Before running to the beach, do not forget your SPF cream.
Cellulite appears to girls round the age of 14. With the passing of the years, the skin gets thinner and loses its elasticity. The causes vary from a chaotic lifestyle, genetic predisposition or hormonal imbalance.
Is it normal?
90% of all women have this problem. Even the stars in Hollywood have it. As a medical issue, it's not dangerous to our overall health.
Too fat?
Thighs, buttocks and the abdomen are the areas that are most predisposed to cellulite. Against all odds, cellulite is not necessarily a side effect of extra weight. Estrogen and folliculin are important factors in forming the cellulite. This is why men have no such problems.
An active life is a perfect method against cellulite. Walk, go to a gym, run, jogging, any kind of exercise is good. So is the skin care: get used to regularly exfoliating, before applying anti cellulite creams. Massage and brushing the skin with special devices are very efficient, because they stimulate the elimination of toxin. Don't press too hard, though, but use smooth moves instead. You risk getting bruises and scratches.
Revise your diet!
You have to drink at least 8 glasses of water and eat many fresh fruit and vegetables. You should also consume nuts and seeds of all kinds, but also spicy condiments, which intensify the internal burnings. Give up processed foods, meat and cheeses. The cellulite will not disappear if you eat less, only if you eat healthier. Our advice: the morning, before breakfast, drink a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon, to detoxify the liver.