Wondering if cellulite dimple cream really works to help reduce cellulite on your body? If yes, then you should take a few minutes out of your day to read this article. More specifically we'll talk about the ingredients that work inside cellulite creams, exactly what these creams do, and what you can expect for results. After reading this article you should be able to make a decision for yourself on whether it's worth spending money on cellulite cream or not.
What's in Cellulite Cream?
The key ingredients inside most cellulite dimple creams are topical in nature. With only a few exception all ingredients occur naturally in nature, and aren't chemical base. You should be careful of products that contain harsh chemicals, as there has been limited study in their long term effects.
Rather look for cellulite creams that contain items like: green tea extract, nut oils, caffeine, and even Retinol.
How do anti cellulite treatments work?
Cellulite creams work to reduce the appearance of cellulite on your body. More specifically these creams start working on the exterior to tighten and tone skin. This provides a less dimpled appearance on your legs, arms, or stomach. While the appearance of your skin is improved other ingredients are delivered to the deeper tissues to shrink fat cells and effectively flatten out the cellulite that resides below the top layers of skin.
While no cream is able to totally remove cellulite from your body, many of these anti cellulite products can do a wonderful job at reducing the appearance both by reducing the size of the fat cells and by toning and tightening skin.
What type of results can I expect?
Results from cellulite dimple creams can be seen in as little as three to four weeks of use. Most creams require two applications a day for the first 4 weeks. Once in the morning and another in the evening. Not all creams will work for everyone, and some peoples bodies respond differently to ingredients. Since there is such a variety of products to choose from you don't need to feel confined to trying only one product.
Unfortunately since cellulite creams are a cosmetic solution they do require continuous usage and application. Usually after the first 4 weeks you can reduce daily applications to only once. This will maintain your current appearance. How ever stop using anti cellulite lotions all together and slowly the appearance of cellulite will return.
So, cellulite creams can reduce the appearance of cellulite, but they can't remove it entirely. Of course, the alternatives are expensive and painful surgical procedures, with no real long term studies yet. When you consider the later cellulite creams appear as the more appealing option.
I suggest you choose one cellulite cream that you've heard about, or know someone who's used it. Try it out for four weeks and gauge the results. If you believe you're received adequate results, and the cellulite is less apparent then before using the cream then continue on with the use. If you can't see a noticeable difference, discontinue use and either try another product, or decide to accept the situation. Like I mentioned before not all products work for everyone, so it's important that you're willing to try and stick it out for at least four weeks to test results. To short of a test and you won't have a good enough trial run, waiting to long to see results can just be a waste of time and money.