The Options For Cellulite Plastic Surgery

The Options for Cellulite Plastic Surgery

Some women are so concerned about their cellulite problem that they are willing to go under a surgeon's knife. As with any cosmetic procedure, such a decision should not be taken lightly and the risks need to be examined very carefully. Thankfully, there are some safe and very effective surgical treatments for cellulite. In this article, I will go through the most popular surgical procedures for cellulite that are currently available.

When most women think of cosmetic surgery for cellulite, they automatically think that liposuction is the best option. This often stems from the belief that cellulite is caused by fat alone. However, the root cause of the condition is the stringy, fibrous bands that link the fat to the skin. When these bands became hard, they pull down on the skin to create dimples. While liposuction removes the fat, it does very little to stop these bands from pulling downwards. In actual fact, liposuction can make cellulite worse by leaving the fat uneven and removing the natural cushioning under the skin.

One effective cellulite treatment is cellulite lysing. As with liposuction, the operation requires an insertion of a hollow tube under the skin. However, once under the skin, a cutting instrument attached to the tub is used to cut the fibrous bands to release their hold on the skin. Results are typically very good for this procedure.

Another usually successful operation is fat transplants. With this procedure, fat is taken from other parts of the body using liposuction and then re-transplanted under the skin in the problem areas to fill in the dents and dimples. One common problem with fat transplants is that the results are not always permanent as the fat can be absorbed back into the body. The skill of the plastic surgeon is the main determinant as to whether the transplants will take hold and last.

Combining both cellulite lysing and fat transplants can lead to excellent results. The aim of this combined procedure is often advertised as RejuvSkin. It involves the fibrous bands being cut and then fat transplants used to fill in under dimpling that is left. Despite its success, the operation is still only available in limited areas.

The most invasive procedure for cellulite removal is a lower body lift. This operation requires an incision made right around the abdomen so that excess skin can be removed. The remaining skin is then pulled up in order to lift sides, buttocks and thighs. The cellulite is addressed directly with this method but the tightening of the skin significantly reduces its appearance.

Mesotherapy is a micro-surgical procedure that uses needles and homepathetic solution. The solution is injected into the cellulite problem areas in order liquefy the fat and stimulate circulation. Mesotherapy is a controversial treatment with a number doctors questioning the theory of how it works.

As with any plastic surgery, you need to consult a surgeon with a high level of experience and skill. Make sure you thoroughly research the procedure you are thinking of undertaking and address any questions or concerns you have to the surgeon. Finally, be prepared to visit a number of surgeons to before you find one that you are comfortable with.