Regular workout programs, behavior modification and diets often fail to get rid of excessive fat deposits in specific areas of the body. Laser sculpting (laser-assisted liposuction), a safe and effective body sculpting procedure— specifically targets those problem areas. Laser sculpting using SmartLipo technology dissolves the excess fat from the body and tightens skin with fewer side effects while bringing an often dramatic change in the one's overall appearance.
A Unique Way to Remove Unwanted Body Fat
SmartLipo is the first FDA approved laser assisted liposuction procedure, ideal for the neck, jawline, arms, male breasts, armpit, upper arms, midback (bra rolls), flanks (love handles), abdomen, outer and inner thighs, lower back, buttocks and knees. The growing popularity of SmartLipo is credited to the multiple benefits it offers compared to other traditional liposuction methods. Compared to patients who undergo traditional liposuction, laser liposuction patients typically experience faster recovery times, less bruising, less swelling and minimal discomfort.
Advantages of Laser Sculpting Over Traditional Approaches
• Tightens the skin around the treatment area
• Safer
• Less downtime
• Less traumatic
• Minimal discomfort and pain
• Minimal scarring
• Faster recovery with minimal swelling and bruising
• Performed under local anesthesia
The most recent innovation in laser-assisted body contouring is the SmartLipo MPX, which uses dual wavelengths of laser energy to maximize fat removal and skin tightening.