EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Renegade personal trainer flies in the face of the greedy plastic surgery industry and reveals the truth about how YOU can achieve lean, toned, and sexy arms WITHOUT the scalpel.
Rylan Duggan; elite personal trainer and women's problem part expert, has just unveiled a revolutionary new program that promises to quickly and safely eliminate saggy and flabby upper arms, bat-wings, cellulite, and droopy skin without surgery, pills, supplements, or gimmicks of any kind. He'll show you how to do it in less than 90 minutes per week, in the comfort of your own home.
Take just a few minutes of your time to read this exclusive report, and let Rylan reveal to you the secrets that have greedy, Lamborghini driving, plastic surgeons sweating in their overpriced, Beverly Hills clinics. He'll teach you how you can forget about surgery, and get BETTER results at home. What's more, he'll let you in on his secrets for eliminating all of your problem parts like Love Handles, Muffin Top, Big Thighs, Chubby Calves, and a Jiggley Butt.
The World's Most Effective
''Problem Part Program" Ever Created
Do you want to quickly, easily, and permanently eliminate all of your nagging problem areas including:
Saggy, Jiggley, and Flabby Upper Arms
Muffin Top
Flabby Tummy
Mommy Belly
Thunder Thighs
Drooping and Jiggling Rear End
Bubble Butt
Love Handles
Chubby Calves
My very dear friend,
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rylan Duggan, and I am a Practicing Kinesiologist, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Personal Health and Fitness Consultant.
I own a private Kinesiology practice in British Columbia, Canada that specializes in helping women all over the world eliminate their nagging problem parts.
Today, I want to reveal to you the secrets I have discovered that have helped thousands of women eradicate flabby and saggy upper arms quickly, safely, and without ever stepping foot into a plastic surgeon's office.
Is Go Sleeveless Right For You? Read through these quick questions to find out...
1. Are you now, or have you ever, struggled with any of the following problems...
Excess skin that hangs down underneath your arms that flaps as you wave
Excess body fat that surrounds your upper arms
Bulging arms that lack any muscle tone or definition
Embarrassing cellulite formation around the front and back of your upper arms
Lose skin around your arms that is left over from weight loss
Arms that are squishy, floppy, and lack firmness
Fat tissue that bulges out when you hold your arms against your sides
Arms that are wrinkled and droopy
Arms that are in any way saggy, flabby, or jiggley
Arms that are large, soft, and embarrassing
Getting frustrated when trying on clothing because the arms are too tight
Panic when facing with an approaching high school or family reunion
Fear running into your ex because of the way you now look
Watching celebs on the red-carpet and feeling hopeless that you will ever have a body you will be happy about
2. Do you find yourself trying to hide your embarrassing arms by…
Avoiding wearing anything sleeveless
Making excuses not to attend formal functions, which require you to wear elegant gowns
Covering up your arms with long-sleeves, sweaters, and other oversized clothes
Wearing a t-shirt over your bathing suit at the beach
Avoiding letting your husband or significant other see you naked, or lingerie
Trying not to let your arms rest against your sides for fear that they will ‘bulge' and make your arms look even bigger than they are
Not waving your arms in the air for fear of someone seeing the how they ‘flap'
Standing behind the person in front of you in family or group photos to hide your arms
3. Have you bought into any of these DIRTY LIES that the plastic surgery and cosmetic industries have led you to believe...
You are getting older, and your skin is just going to sag even more as you age
Once your skin has been stretched out, it can only be fixed by cutting it away
You have a slow metabolism so no diet or exercise plan will work well for you
As you age your skin can no longer hold it's shape, so wrinkles and sagging is inevitable unless corrected by surgery
Your metabolism will drop as you age so you just have to learn to deal with it or have procedures done to get rid of the extra fat and pounds
Body fat is here for good unless you cut it or suck it out
If you exercise you will bulk up the muscles and make your problem worse
Surgery is quick, easy, risk free, and will solve all your problem areas
4. Have you already tried and failed to eliminate sagging skin and flabby arms by using any of the following methods...
Arm exercises like Tricep Pushdowns and Dumbbell Kickbacks
Walking or Jogging for durations lasting longer than 15 minutes
Dieting and restricting calories
Fitness classes and aerobics classes
Using strength training machines at the gym
Home workout videos
Hiring a Personal Trainer
Workout plans taken from a magazine or book
Skin creams and lotions
Non surgical procedures such as infrared frequency devices
If you said yes to 3 or more of these 40 questions, then you must keep reading because this report will without a doubt change your life!
A 60-Year-Old Registered Nurse Does What Surgeons Said Was Impossible: Eliminates Sagging and Flabby Arms Permanently In Just a Few Short Weeks Without Surgery...
Christine, a registered nurse from Canada, had been given the opportunity to attend a formal Gala with her husband in Paris. While out dress shopping, she fell in love with a beautiful strapless gown that she just had to have. When she arrived home, she suddenly realized what she had done. With her 60th birthday right around the corner, she had not worn a sleeveless dress, let alone strapless, in many years. Normally she would simply cover up with a shawl or wear something with long sleeves, but something snapped inside her and she decided that ENOUGH was ENOUGH!
This time she was determined to do it differently. Although part of her said she needed to ‘face reality' and simply return the dress, she instead decided to tackle her challenge head on and stop hiding behind her baggy and oversized clothes. That's when she called me.
Christine's Astonishing Transformation
The Gala was in 9 short weeks, so she was on a pretty limited timeline. I was determined to help Christine reach her goal with time to spare, however, so I went to work developing a program that would ensure her success. I needed to create something so powerful and so effective that no matter what her age, or how slow her metabolism, or how much sagging skin she had, it would still work brilliantly.
How I Used Secret Tactics Of Professional Models, Celebrities, and Figure Competitors To Get Great Results
I held nothing back. I used only the best of the best exercises, and created new ones that nobody had seen before. I fine-tuned the cardio program to melt away body fat like butter left in the sun. I manipulated the training schedule to give her more energy, and to ensure each workout would produce maximum results. I took the most results-producing aspects of every program that I ever created, and combined them into one super program. I was determined to make sure that in 9 weeks she would look spectacular. I promised her she would have no apprehensions about going sleeveless on her big night - none! And it worked! It worked so well in fact, I couldn't believe it myself!
In Only 10 Short Days Her Dress No Longer Fit - It Was Now Falling Off Of Her!
Christine had an appointment to have some alterations done to her dress. She had gone in expecting to have the dress taken out slightly, but when she tried it on, she was met with a different problem altogether. Her seamstress couldn't believe it. Christine had undergone a total transformation in only 10 short days. She was used to adding material for most of her customers, and here was Christine, who only 10 days earlier could barley squeeze into this same dress; and now it wouldn't stay up because she has lost so much weight. They were both absolutely shocked.
I Knew I Had Created The Ultimate Solution For Saggy and Flabby Arms
If this could work for Christine, the once self-proclaimed exercise-hating couch potato who seemingly had everything going against her (age, weight, sedentary job, slow metabolism, bad diet, health issues, etc) then I knew that this was going to work for everybody. And it did – even better than I ever expected.
Since the public release of the original program that helped so many women achieve these amazing results, I have given it a major boost. Through trial and error, and my unrelenting determination to have my clients achieve their ultimate goals, I have, without a doubt, developed the single most effective program for eliminating saggy and flabby upper arms in existence. I have fine tuned it, expanded it, and added more detail so that absolutely anyone can pick it up, put it use today, and start getting result immediately. You literally can have this program in seconds from now, and put it to use today.
Thousands of women have used this exact program to banish their flabby upper arms forever, and you can too. You can get the same plan that helped Christine go sleeveless at age 60, and achieve a new life that you thought was little more than a fantasy. That is my promise to you.
As I mentioned before, my name is Rylan Duggan, and I am a women's fitness specialist and “The Problem Part Pro”. Here is a list of my qualifications:
Rylan Duggan RK, BHK, CSCS, NSCA-CPT
? Degree In Human Kinetics from the University of British Columbia
? B.C.A.K Practicing (Registered) Kinesiologist
? Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
? Certified Personal Trainer (NSCA-CPT).
? Personal Health and Fitness Consultant
? Member of the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance
? Member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association
? Member of the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists.
? Private Practice Owner: Adonis Fitness Health and Fitness Consulting
? Expert Author on Women's Fitness and Problem Parts
I don't tell you all of this to impress you; I just want to make it very clear to you that I am a real and bona fide fitness expert with the credentials, education, and experience to back it up. In this day and age with so many scam artists and ‘arm chair experts' on the internet spreading poor advice at best - and dangerous information at worst - it is vitally important that the people you trust with your body really know what they're talking about, and rest assured, I do.
So You Have A Bunch Of Letters After Your Name, What Do You Really Know About My Problems Rylan?
You might be thinking, “What does this guy give a darn about me and my arms? How could he possibly know what I'm going through?”
Now I don't claim for a minute to know exactly what it feels like to be in your shoes. Nobody can experience that except you. However, I have helped thousands of women with your exact same problem, and more than anything I want to help you too. This is my life's calling, this is what I do, and I truly believe that I am put here to change your life for the better.
I have dedicated my life to one purpose: helping women eliminate their stubborn problem areas and creating the body of their dreams. Day in and day out, I teach women the techniques they need to create a body they've only fantasized about. In working with so many women with the same problem, I have uncovered an exact formula for banishing sagging and flabby upper arms forever.
My Personal Struggles With Weight Loss
It might help to give you a little background on my life and the struggles I've endured. After you know a little more about me, you'll know why I so passionately want to help you, so here it goes…
I spent my entire childhood and high school years obese, depressed, and utterly miserable. No matter what I did, no matter how many diets I tried, no matter how much I exercised, nothing ever worked. I would lose maybe a pound or two and then fall right back into my old body; each time left me more depressed and hopeless than before.
They called me “Fats”
It got to the point where I just gave up on trying because it seemed like it was easier to deal with being fat and unhappy than getting my hopes up and having them come crashing down on me each time I tried something new.
I actually gave myself the nickname “Fats” because it seemed to make it easier to deal with (I have the yearbook comments to prove it). I don't know why, but I think somehow by not ignoring the ‘big pink elephant' in the room, I found it easier to cope. Since everyone called me “Fats”, my best friends included, it took the power away from people who were calling me ‘fat' as an insult. Regardless, I was still miserable, but I was resigned to the fact that this was the way my life was going to be and I had better just learn to deal with it.
The Most Embarrassing Moment of my Life
I went to my high school graduation alone and in utter despair. I managed to get the courage up to ask a few girls to go to grad with me, but I was turned down each time. It was the most humiliating experience of my life. I remember that the MC introduced each grad and their date as they entered the banquet hall. Then came me. Not “Rylan and (date).” Nope. Just Rylan. I could feel hundreds of eyes on me as I walked to my table alone, and I knew what they were all thinking. “That poor fat boy couldn't get a date”. It was awful, and I wouldn't go back for all the money in the world.
My Own Transformation
In my agony and desperation, I had decided that enough was enough. I was either going to lose weight or die trying, but I wasn't going to continue living my life this way.
I threw myself headfirst into learning everything I could about exercise and nutrition. I bought all the magazines, read all the books, and studied everything I could about losing weight and getting in shape. I stumbled a lot at first, making a lot of mistakes (boy did I make a lot of mistakes), but somehow I made it work (I would later find out the REAL secret to my success, which I will reveal to you later on). In a matter of a few months, I had lost roughly 40 pounds, and I no longer looked like the same person. My body had completely transformed.
My before and after shot. These pictures were taken 30 days apart. Unfortunatley, I don't have any photos from when I was REALLY out of shape (I avoided cameras like the plague) but I think it's still apparent that I was able to make some pretty decent progress in a short amount of time.
My Own Family Didn't Recognize Me
I distinctly remember the day that I knew my weight problems were gone for good. My family was going on a trip to Disneyland and I wasn't able to go with them. I had just gotten my first job after graduating high school, and in order for me to keep that job I had to stay home to work. They were only gone for about 10 days, but when they returned, my brother walked through the door and said “Oh my God, what happened to you?!” I had literally changed the way my entire body looked in 10 short days (just like Christine). They were all concerned that I was starving myself or resorting to drastic measures, but the funny thing is I was actually eating more than I had in the previous 3 years! This went against everything that I had previously believed about weight loss, and this was only one of the secrets that I discovered.
The New Me
My new found confidence was incredible. I had people coming up to me who hadn't seen me in a few months who were absolutely shocked at the change. My life turned 180 degrees from the dismal existence it once was, to one of hope and excitement. For the first time in my life, I felt happy. Really happy.
I had now found my calling. I had a zest for life, and I wanted to learn more, and I wanted to help people experience the same change that I had. I put aside my carpenters tool-belt and went back to school to study Kinesiology (the study of human movement, anatomy, and sports medicine).
For the next 5 years I totally immersed myself in my studies to learn everything I possibly could about transforming the human body. I also pursued studies in Psychology to learn more about topics such as self-hypnosis, subliminal messages, and re-programming the subconscious mind to make lasting changes. After all, from my personal experience I was quite aware that diet and exercise alone were not enough to cause lasting change, the mental aspects could not be ignored.
Let Me Help You Now
After finishing University, I further honed my skills by completing postgraduate certifications with various organizations involved in fitness, nutrition, and exercise therapy. I became a Practicing Kinesiologist with the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists, a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association as well as a member of the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance. Now that I was confident that I had enough knowledge to truly serve people, I started my health and fitness consulting business. I went to work to help people who were facing struggles similar to what I went through, and now I am here to help you too.
Women Were Achieving Results I Could Hardley Imagine
I soon found myself working almost exclusively with women. More specifically, women who were fed up with all the crap that the media had been feeding them about workout plans, diets, supplements and ‘magic bullets' that simply did not work. They were tired of hating the way they looked, and tired of being embarrassed to be seen in public. They had enough of going through the motions of life instead of actually living it to the fullest.
For some reason, whether it was reluctance to listen to someone of the same sex who was younger, or just something inexplicabe in the male psyche, I found women much more willing to listen to my advice and put it to use than men. As such, they were the ones who were able to achieve outstanding transformations in such short amounts of time that they couldn't believe it themselves. I must admit, I was even a little shocked at how well it was working.
At the time, I was working with women locally, in my private practice, as well as consulting with women in countries all over the world. It was an almost daily occurence to receive emails and letters from clients everywhere from New York to New Guinea about how much their lives had changed and how thankful they were for my help; and that continues to this day.
I have to tell you, there is no greater feeling than opening up an email, or letter, or getting a phone call from someone to tell me how I have changed their life. It's the most satisfying and rewarding experience imaginable, and it's why I do what I do.
Every Woman's Big Embarrassment
It wasn't long until I discovered a secret. Every woman I have worked with, and I mean every-single-one, was self-conscious about her arms - at first. In particular, they were incredibly embarrassed about the excess fat, sagging skin, and the way that their upper arms would flap when they waved.
Of course there were always a number of other areas that they wanted to work on too (stomach, thighs, hips, etc) but this was the one recurring theme that they would express concern over time and time again.
Christine was the first to approach me seriously about fixing this problem for good, but after other clients started to see the results that she was getting, they came forward with their secret embarrassments too. I soon realized the full extent to which this problem was ruining women's lives.
Why Flabby Arms Are Ruining Your Life
If you're like most women, with every passing year you've gained a little more weight. Those extra few pounds that you couldn't shake after your pregnancies, lack of sleep, stress, a less than perfect diet, and not enough exercise - it has slowly but surely all added up. What started as a few extra pounds quickly grew to 20, 30, even 50 or more.
Your Body Is Gone
Now you sit in front of the mirror, depressed, and mourning for the body you once had that has long since been lost. You are disgusted with your upper arms. The way they sag loosely and flap around when you hold your arms out to the side. The way they wiggle and jiggle and keep waving after you stop. And that embarrassing way they bulge to what seems like three times their normal size when you try to hide them by your side.
You've Given Up
You've given up on wearing short sleeves all together. No more tiny tees or spaghetti straps. No more halter tops or tank tops. The selection of gowns and dresses that you will actually wear has dwindled down to nothing. And heaven forbid you would be in a bathing suit without a t-shirt to cover up.
Why is it that when you try so hard, it just seems to keep getting worse? Why does it feel like you have to work twice as hard as all the other women, just to see even the smallest improvement?
It Doesn't Matter How Hard You Try
It's always such a struggle just to see the slightest positive change in your body. You sweat your butt off in the gym, you starve yourself, and for what? A couple measly pounds that just come bouncing right back the second you let go of the reins?
You've finally just come to terms with the fact that it's an inevitable part of aging. Every doctor, surgeon, and cosmetologist will tell you that your skin loses elasticity with age resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin (right before they deliver their sales pitch about how this incredible new surgical procedure can fix the crappy hand that nature dealt you).
You've also been told that your body takes a lot longer to rebound from multiple pregnancies; especially if you've had children in your early thirties or later. Unfortunately, you never were quite able to shake that extra baby weight.
Nothing Works
You've gone to the gym and joined exercise classes. You've worked with a personal trainer. You've dieted, and you've starved. You've tried every fad diet, and every non-fad diet. You've used every miracle supplement and diet pill that promised amazing weight loss. You've bought exercise books, and videos, and every fitness gimmick and gadget on the market and yet you have always ended up heavier, and even unhappier than before.
You Can't Hide It
Other areas are so much easier to camouflage or cover up than your blasted arms - control top pantyhose can work wonders. The problem is, your arms are out there for the world to see. You are simply tired of making excuses not to wear the things that you really want to. You are desperate, but you are also hopeless.
If you're like most women, you have been convinced by the plastic surgery and cosmetic industry that the only way to get rid of flabby upper arms and sagging skin is to have it done surgically.
You've Lost All Hope
But what if there was hope? What if you no longer had to worry about what others were whispering behind your back as you walk past and instead felt totally self-confident no matter where you went?
How happy would you be if you could wear strapless gowns, bathing suits, tank tops, spaghetti straps, halter tops, and that ‘little black dress' without the embarrassment of your flabby ‘bat-wings' and droopy arms? How would you feel if your clothing choices were no longer based on how well they hide your flaws, but rather how well they show off your beautifully firm and toned arms? What if you could finally achieve the body you've always dreamed of? What if you could finally have toned and sexy arms that look great in anything you want to wear, anything at all?
You Have Been Lied To
Let me tell you this…no matter how long you've been this way, no matter how bad it is right now, you CAN have beautiful arms, I PROMISE you that! And you can do it without surgery, or pills, or supplements, or stupid fitness gadgets that don't work, and you can do it in a matter of a few short weeks!
I know you don't believe me, and I don't blame you. I really don't, because it's not your fault. You've been brainwashed by the billion-dollar plastic surgery industry to think that you don't have a hope of ever achieving a youthful and sculpted body without going under the knife.
You've been duped into thinking that your declining body is just the natural process of aging, and that the best you can hope for is ‘aging gracefully' by spending thousands of dollars on creams and lotions and procedures every year.
My friends, this is all lies and nonsense. You have been deceived, and I am about to expose the secrets that the plastic surgery industry doesn't want me to tell you. When you find out the bull they've been feeding you, you will realize once and for all that you really do have hope of achieving an incredible body, and it's a lot easier than you could even imagine.
13 Dirty Lies That Plastic Surgeons Have
Led You To Believe
Lie #1 - Surgical Results Are Instant
TRUTH: Plastic surgery takes MONTHS to see the results. While the fat might get sucked out in a matter of hours, the swelling and tissue damage are visible for weeks. The ‘after' pictures on plastic surgery websites are usually taken several months later after all the healing is complete and the scarring is no longer as obvious.
Lie #2 - Plastic Surgery Improves Your Health
TRUTH: This is as far from the truth as you can get. Your health will NOT have any improvement if you undergo plastic surgery. You haven't made any changes to your body like improved strength, cardiovascular fitness, or flexibility. The fat tissue that is removed will very likely come right back because you haven't done anything about the reason the fat is there in the first place. In fact, your health will likely worsen as you sit on your butt for 8 weeks or longer while you recover from the damaging surgery.
Lie #3 - Plastic Surgery Requires No Effort
TRUTH: Surgeons make all their patients exercise and go on a diet. This is such a sneaky little trick that they use and it makes me sick. They lure you in with ‘doctored' (excuse the pun) photographs that make you think you can get incredible results with just a little procedure, and then when you come in for your consultation they tell you the real deal. In almost every single case, your surgeon will not accept you as a patient until you diet and exercise and lose a bunch of weight first. Why? Because surgery cannot give you spectacular and permanent results, but proper nutrition and exercise can.
This dirty little lie is just like the fine print on supplement ads that state ‘must be combined with a proper diet and exercise plan'. Remember, it's never the supplement (or in this case the surgery) that gives you the great results; it's the diet and exercise. Keep reading and I will tell you more about what kind of diet and exercise will get you surgical-like results.
Lie #4 - Surgical Results Are Permanent
TRUTH: You'll be lucky if the results last a year. Because surgery does absolutely nothing to correct the reason that you have sagging skin or excess body fat in the first place, then you are almost certain to go right back to your original state. Your body was headed on a specific path already by the various mistakes you were making (albeit unknowingly) and surgery or not it will continue on that path until you change it.
Cosmetic surgeons would like you to believe that this doesn't happen. They try and convince you the results are permanent so you are more comfortable shelling out thousands of dollars for a procedure that you will only need ‘once'. Of course, if they told you the truth - that you will probably just end up needing the same surgery again in a year or two - then spending several thousand dollars no longer sounds like a reasonable idea and they would be out of business.
Lie #5 - Surgery Is The Easiest And Quickest Way To Achieve The Body Of Your Dreams
TRUTH: Surgery is painful, it takes months to fully recover, you will have to diet and exercise anyway, you can develop significant scarring and other disastrous after-effects from a botched surgery, you will need special assistance while you are recovering, and you will be immobilized and will have to take time off work to get better from your surgery. Doesn't sound quick and easy to me.
Lie #6 - Surgical Results, Although Expensive, Are Spectacular
TRUTH: You have to look no further than Hollywood for multiple examples of plastic surgeries gone horribly wrong - even when money is no object. Obviously, I can't name names, but you can probably think of more than a few celebrities who have undergone plastic surgery with horrific results, and they are paying top dollar for the best surgeons in the industry. The fact remains that so many doctors are getting into cosmetic surgery because it is a way to make quick money and avoid the stresses of the typical doctor lifestyle (hospital work, stressful patients, long hours). For this reason, the market is flooded with many surgeons that simply do not have the skill to perform these delicate and complex procedures. Just because you spend several thousand dollars, doesn't mean you will be happy with the results.
Lie #7 - Wrinkles Cannot Be Reversed Without Surgery or Botox
TRUTH: There are safe, natural, and inexpensive ways to eliminate wrinkles that don't require you to step foot near a plastic surgeon's office. Surgeons love to convince you that the only way you can get rid of wrinkled skin is by surgery or Botox injections, and this is simply not true. The problem is, until now, you didn't know the real reason why wrinkles were developing. But once I reveal to you, in my Go Sleeveless System, the secrets behind stopping and reversing wrinkles; quickly, naturally, and cheaply, then you will never have any need for surgery or Botox to fix wrinkled skin. There really is a fountain of youth, it's just been hidden from you so others can profit.
Lie #8 - Sagging Skin Is Permanent Unless You Cut It Away
TRUTH: No matter how stretched out your skin gets, there are ways to allow it to go back to normal. Every day pregnant women experience this miraculous ability of their body. Think of the amount of expansion the skin goes through during a pregnancy, and how it rebounds back to its normal form without sagging. Now, you might be thinking, ‘that wasn't the case with me, my body never looked the same after my pregnancy'. But that's because you didn't know the secrets that some women have stumbled upon accidentally. Although they did it without knowing, they found a way to let their skin to return to normal. I will reveal all these secrets to you in the Go Sleeveless System. I should also mention right now that it doesn't have anything to do with age.
Lie #9 - Results from Exercise Take Too Long - Surgery Is Fast
TRUTH: You can see results from an exercise program in as little as a couple days! The problem is, you have been following exercise programs that aren't designed for rapid results. Remember Christine? In only 10 days after starting the Go Sleeveless System she had to have her dress altered because it was falling off of her - the same dress that fit too tightly the week earlier. With the Go Sleeveless System, the results are dramatic and incredibly fast - faster than surgery without a doubt. In the time it would take you to see visible results in the mirror with Go Sleeveless, you would still be confined to an easy-chair recovering if you had gone the surgical route.
Lie #10 - If You Have a Slow Metabolism, You Can NEVER Get Rid Of Body Fat
TRUTH: You can change your metabolism in a matter of days and start burning body fat while you sit on your couch! Your metabolism is constantly changing and adapting to the demands you place upon it, it is NOT set in stone! In fact, in just a few short days, by following the exercise and nutrition plan available in the Go Sleeveless System, you will actually start to feel your body heat up from the increased calorie and body fat burning. Plastic surgery cannot raise your metabolism. In fact, it will lower it from all the sitting around and muscle atrophy you will experience during recovery.
Lie #11 - Plastic Surgery Is Very Low Risk While Exercising is Dangerous
TRUTH: Plastic surgery of any kind is VERY risky. As I mentioned before, there are numerous examples in Hollywood of celebrities who have had serious deformations occur as a result of plastic surgery. Not only that, but even surgeries that don't have complications will often end up making the problems they are trying to fix worse. I have personally worked with many women who went through tummy-tuck procedures that ended up rendering them permanently scarred and deformed, and those were considered ‘successful surgeries'. Compare that to exercise which is never dangerous when you have good instructions like the detailed descriptions and step-by-step photos found in the Go Sleeveless System, and why would you want anything more?
Lie #12 - Plastic Surgery Is Now Affordable For The Average Person
TRUTH: Elaborate payment plans make the cost of plastic surgery seem reasonable, but on average you will still be paying several thousand dollars ($6000-$8000 is not uncommon for many procedures) for only a few hours work. Do you really want to go even further into debt for a procedure that won't have lasting results and will need to be repeated in a couple years? Remember, the Go Sleeveless System guarantees comparable results, and won't cost you even the smallest fraction of what surgery would. The choice isn't a difficult one to make.
Lie #13 - The pain, cost, and discomfort of surgery is worth it because you'll finally fix all your problem areas and be happy with your body once and for all.
TRUTH: You don't have to spend big money, and undergo painful and dangerous procedures to achieve the body of your dreams - and it doesn't take hours of strenuous exercise and starving yourself to do it either. Better yet, you don't even have to go to a loud and crowded gym, or hire a personal trainer, or buy expensive home exercise equipment to get the body of your dreams either. Go Sleeveless will give plastic surgery like results, for only a tiny fraction of the price, and no risk.