Cellulite, that is caused by surplus fat in particular areas of the body, can be the outcome of varying hormonal levels, bad lifestyle and poor nutrition. Regardless of the cause, cellulite can cause you to feel shy and overly conscious of your body. Nevertheless, there are many home remedies for eliminating cellulite and you need not opt for any pricey cosmetic surgical procedure or laser therapy.
Amongst the best cellulite home remedies is a simple massage therapy with or without skin creams and essential oils. This helps in stimulating body muscle groups, improves lymphatic fluid drainage and in particular, improves the circulation of blood in the body. With the manipulation of the soft underlying skin tissues, one can expect positive results in cellulite affected parts of the skin.
Yet another effective cellulite home remedies is powdered coffee. Caffeine though not good in the form of a drink, it works wonders in skin treatment and is widely used as a main ingredient in anti-cellulite products since it provides desired results. Take some powdered coffee and rub it over the cellulite affected areas using gentle strokes. After a few minutes you can take a shower or just wash it off. This may be performed using apple cider vinegar also. Apple cider vinegar may be consumed orally in small doses.
Water has certain amazing health benefits, one among which is its ability to eliminate toxins from your body. This has also been found to be very useful in eliminating unwanted cellulite deposits . Apple cider vinegar can also be used in a similar manner like powdered coffee and massaged over the cellulite problem areas. To maintain good skin health and to keep your body well hydrated so that all the toxic wastes are effectively flushed out, you will need to consume at least 1-2 litres of water daily.
Fruit juices and green vegetables also go a long way in removing cellulite by nourishing skin cells and supplying your body with much needed minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. All varieties of berries are a rich source of antioxidants that help in fighting free radicals and removing metabolic wastes from your body. Similarly, omega 3 fatty acids are also important for your good health as they counterbalance the free radical molecules and check skin cell damage. This aids preventing cellulite formation.
A daily routine you can implement is by mixing coffee grounds and olive oil and then applying it on those spots where you notice dimpled skin. A Saran wrap could be helpful to wrap it for a few minutes. You may then shower with warm water. This particular cellulite home remedy is particularly effective which can be practiced a few times at least, to find beneficial results.
You can also eliminate cellulite from your body by keeping your weight under control. For this you will have to stick to a healthy diet plan and regular workout. Simple physical exercises and yoga combine to loosen up your body and mind. Furthermore, yoga is helpful at detoxing of the body which is critical to the process of removing cellulite. Workouts also assist in getting rid of surplus fat in the body.