The battle to lose weight and get rid of cellulite has been an eternal one for most people. More than 40% of our population is overweight today. A big belly, love handles, or just the good old-fashioned fat around the middle is a problem almost everyone deals with. Belly fat is something that creeps up on us. It doesn't just happen over night. It takes a long time to get love handles and it can take a long time to get rid of love handles.
When I got older, I noticed the bulge around my waist, but I didn't pay much attention to it until the bulge started showing through my clothes. After getting into a job that required a lot of walking and stair climbing, I noticed that the bulge was disappearing. After about ten months, most of the belly fat was gone and I was left with a soft belly that needs to be tuned up to get the waist line I had ten or fifteen years ago. Most people don't have a job that requires a lot of walking. But there are some things you can do to get rid of cellulite and stomach fat.
1. If you want to get rid of cellulite and stomach fat, exercise is a necessity. Crunches, side crunches and cardio vascular exercises like jogging and calisthenics helps to trim body fat. Get into an activity that requires a lot of hip and waist movement, such as dancing, to really burn off the tummy fat quick and finally get rid of cellulite. Sports that require high agility and reflexes, like fencing or martial arts, actually increase a person's metabolism and contributes to weight loss is another way to get rid of that bulge around the middle.
2. Dieting is a time-honored way to get rid of cellulite and body fat. Some people say exercise and dieting is over rated and don't work. I believe that most of the people who say this are making up excuses for a lack of will power and self-discipline. Getting into shape always requires work, and you have to be willing to work to get what you want. Some people may just be doing the wrong things to loose weight. There are different a lot programs out there, and some are more suited to certain people than others. Find a diet or exercise program that works for you and will help you get rid of cellulite and stomach fat.
3. The medical option, liposuction is something of a last resort to get rid of cellulite and stomach fat. If you decide on the medical option, think about it carefully, and make sure that the doctor performing the liposuction is someone you know and trust or is recommended by one you know and trust.
Above all, before you start a diet or exercise program to lose weight, check with your doctor and find out if there are any medical issues that you might limit your activities.
Find a program that works and understand, stick with it and above all, don't give up. You'll be able to see a visible improvement in your weight and be happy with the way you look.