The three top layers of the skin, the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous layer are affected by stretch marks. The skin loses its elasticity when it is stretched too quickly and that causes damage and tearing in the dermal and epidermal layers. This damage causes stretch marks. To remove stretch marks fast it is necessary to treat them early in their development. This is when the stretch marks are purple or red in color and before they begin to fade to white or silver.
1. Stretch Mark Creams
A safe and effective way to get rid of stretch marks fast is to use one of the numerous essential oils, gels, creams and lotions that are capable of rejuvenating the skin and helping it to become more flexible and supple in a holistic and natural way. A lot of these products are made from or include ingredients that the human body produces naturally like elastin and collagen proteins. These products can regenerate the skin and make it more capable of repairing itself as well as making it more supple and flexible. Other holistic products to look for in stretch mark creams are natural ingredients like emu oil, jojoba oil, aloe vera and cocoa butter.
2. Stretch Mark Exfoliation
Regular exfoliation of the skin is another good way to get rid of stretch marks fast and effectively. Exfoliation removes a thin layer of skin by lightly abrading it. That removes detritus on the skin as well as stretch mark scar tissue so the scars are reduced and new, healthy skin tissue can regenerate. To exfoliate properly two things are needed, an exfoliating cleanser and an applicator that is mildly abrasive. Cleansers that include essential tea tree oil or alpha hydroxy acids work well, as do abrasive substances like oatmeal or baking soda. Cleansers should be applied with a brush, loofah or rough sponge. To get the quickest results exfoliation should be done twice each day, After exfoliating the skin it is a good idea to apply a hydrating and lubricating stretch mark cream to replenish the skin.
3. Remove Stretch Marks with Massage
One of the methods that works well to get rid of stretch marks fast is the use of massage techniques. Massage can help to improve blood flow and circulation to areas affected with stretch marks and can also help to break down any scar tissue that has accumulated. The combination of increased nutrient delivery to the skin and pressure from the massaging action can help to break down and remove stretch mark scar tissue. Using one of the many natural stretch mark creams during the massage will make stretch mark removal even faster and will replenish the skin leaving it supple and flexible.